BaaS Platform

Vita Nova


FinTech startups around the world have reached the potential of replacing almost any service from the traditional and investment banking value chain. It is reasonable to raise a question: if all bank services are available via 3rd party  companies, do we really need traditional banks?

VitaNova is a bank of future. On one hand, bank is licensed for providing all required financial services and, on the other hand, it will provide technical one-stop-solutions and open REST-API to FinTech companies to easily integrate and provide financial services.  

Numus© Ltd  2018-2023

Main features

In addition to traditional banking services, VitaNova will provide following key features to clients and partners



Applied Mathematics

Statistics, Probability Theory & Econometrics

Information Theory & Cryptography

Finance & Investments

Financial Markets & Financial Instruments

Trading Technologies

Trading Strategies & Portfolio Management

Equity Research & Analysis

Information Technologies

SAAS (software as a service) development

AI Systems Development

Big Data Management and Processing

Cyber Security

Specializing in Financial and Information Technology (IT), our team consists of specialists with in-depth knowledge, skills, and extensive experience in the following areas:


Key members

Anna Beykul
Business Planning and Marketing
Head of marketing and PR from 2006 in IT, Retail and gaming. Innova, Pepen, Yandex, JLL, Correa’s, 4Pay.


Vlad Gorokhov
Software Development

Managing partner Witchery,
Senior developer in Microbiz, Iguan Systems, EpicWebs​
Lilit Tonoyan
Data Scientist, Machine Learning Model specialist
Sargis Amirkhanyan
Asset Management, TAO
Managing partner at Consulting Zone, Head of Brokerage Department at FinLab 
Vardan Tonoyan

Managing partner in Security consultant at eSoft(Armenia), Innova(Russia). PM at Synopsys(USA). RD in CQG.

Vahe Galstyan
Financial Consultant
Consultant at Digital Rumors(Scotland), Portfolio Manager

Roberto Sabatini

Expert in municipal tax recovery and standardization of tax databases, banks, international payments and financial instruments.


The user pays a commission while transferring and exchanging, which is divided between users supporting the currency. In addition to the commission, all users also receive platform's internal currency generated after each transaction. The size of the commission depends on the amount at the user's address.


To provide financial services, almost in every country special license is required. For FinTech startups, which are mainly providing only one dedicated financial service, it is too much of an encumbrance to receive such licence and set-up reporting to the regulator. VitaNova already has or is in process of receiving such licenses in every jurisdiction, is already ready for reporting to the regulator and for sub-licensing other companies to  provide different financial services under their own licenses.

In first stage, VitaNova will cover Europe, CIS countries and Middle East regions with EMI, banking or broker-dealer licenses.

KYC, AML,GDPR solutions

To provide financial services, besides of licenses, each company needs to satisfy  AML (anti-money laundering) compliance, GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and must follow all KYC (know your client) procedures. All these procedures are huge overhead for companies, which are providing only few financial services and are specialised only in their own services.

VitaNova has already set up all these procedures and other companies can outsource such services to VitaNova.

4Pass-KYC Platform


To provide KYC and GDPR services a special open-sourced project was developed, which is decentralised, blockchain based platform for keeping, verifying and distributing users personal information.

In everyday life, users very often providing personal information to receive some services. To open bank account, to receive travel visa, to reserve airline ticket, to book hotel,  to be registered on site, to get information from government and so on. Each time users are entering about same information. In some cases users are providing certified copies, doing translations, searching for needed documents and proving that we are one we claim to be.

4Pass is a solution to simplify the process of keeping all personal data in one place, officially verify that information is correct and give users ability to authorise /unauthorise  3rd parties to get access to that information. But no one must trust anyone to keep personal information, even to government and especially to big corporations. And platform must not depend  from someone to make information available.

4Pass is solving this problems too. All provided user’s data and verification information is encrypted by user  with user’s key and only user can decrypt information during access authorisation. Also data storage is not centralised. Data is stored on thousand servers and anyone can deploy copy of 4pass server and become part of solution and earn money from 3rd party requests.


4Pass-KYC Platform


4Pass service usage is designed for not experienced users and is very simple. One button press on mobile phone and selected information is authorized for access.  


4Pass-KYC Platform



Case #1 Client wants to open bank account

On 4pass site client can open list of all partner banks and choose a bank. On bank’s site client can apply for a bank account and in scan QR code or input identification ID in opened dialog. 4pass will send push message to client requesting from client to authorise bank to access to clients passport, cell phone number, residential address and user identification records. Let, in our case, that client do not pass identification process. Client accepting request (decrypting and sending information to bank). Also client agrees to pass identification. On 4pass frame identification robot is holding video interview with client and asking for some actions. Show passport, read some text from screen, click some keys and so on. All interview is recorded and will be available for authorized parties. After interview, another robot via gateway to government database is checking if user’s passport is valid and corresponding with one provided during interview and sending verification information to bank. Having this information, bank is opening new account for user.

Case #2 Company HR looking for front end developer

On LinkedIn site HR finds candidate for position. By clicking on 4pass button on page system will send request to user, that  HR from Microsoft is asking temporary access to user’s CV, Facebook account and e-mail. Client click on accept to send information to HR.

4Pass-KYC Platform



Project is open-source and free for users to store personal data

3rd parties are paying for access to users personal data. Amount of payment will vary depending from provided information and verification status. This payment will be divided between

•User, for providing personal information

•4pass for project implementation and support

•Personal data storage holders (any company or individual, can deploy 4pass storage and participate in service providing)

4Pass also can receive payment from 3rd parties for providing different statistic information.

4Pass-KYC Platform


Following are current supported verification methods


To provide financial services, almost every company needs eWallets for transactions, money storage, exchanges and reporting. Companies can architect own eWallet with required functionality or can use standard solutions provided by professionals.

VitaNova has already developed own eWallet ecosystem and is providing eWallet solutions with built-in KYC, identification and authorisation mechanisms to its partners.

4pay is a multi-currency e-wallet both for business and personal accounts. 4pay is supporting fiat currencies, crypto currencies and assets.

Currently ecosystems are designed as centralised platform with centralised information storage and requests' execution platform.

Next step for ecosystem evolution is to have decentralised request execution, identification, verification and information storage ability, using multi-chain technology for transactions storage and verification operations. In this case all services will be stored in dockers and anyone can participate in ecosystem by installing and bringing online his/her own copy of docker.


Following is basic functions of ecosystem

Top-up account, cash-out from account using bank transfers, plastic cards, e-money, local cash-in/cash-out points

Open e-wallet for business and end users, identify users and business and deal with both identified and non-identified e-wallets

Transfer from one account to another

Pay for 3rd party services integrated in ecosystem

Add currency to ecosystem and open account for any e-wallet in any currency

Exchange operations between any currencies

Generate reports for any type of activities

Communicate with customers

Secure all transactions and operations using one time passwords and digital signs

P2P exchange

Online Exchange - a cloud based P2P platform to exchange and trade fiat money, crypto-currencies and tokens, issued by own Tokenised Asset Offering (TAO) Vehicle and 3rd party issuers. Exchange works with own electronic wallets and implements money transfer function. The platform has its own KYC/AML procedures and security mechanisms based on AI and machine learning technologies.

The main goals are to provide clients (corporate and individual) an opportunity to exchange currency and assets at best price, transfer money fast and cheap, by using peer-to-peer business model.

The goals will be achieved by implementing innovative IT and Financial technologies. All KYC / AML procedures are based on robots, which are interviewing customers and recording all activities. Cash-in and Cash-out operations are organised both via own developed POS terminals and via partner banks network. Various gateways to partner financial institutions are developed for fast and secure transfer implementation.

p2p exchange

P2P main products and services consist of: a cloud based P2P platform to exchange and trade fiat money, cryptocurrencies and tokens merchant solutions: Plug-ins and API to enable e-commerce sites to integrate electronic money and cryptocurrencies as a method of payment. Security Solutions: customized two factor authentication devices including a hardware e-wallet and OTP (One-time password) solution. is based in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Cyprus, Singapore, Armenia, Belarus  and serves customers located all around the world.

The purpose of is to facilitate the greater usage and acceptance of cryptocurrencies as an alternative form of payment by providing an online cryptocurrency exchange platform and merchant solutions.

Our target customers are adult individuals with disposable income, merchants and day-traders. Our current customer base consists mainly of Males, aged 20-40 with enthusiasm and interest in cryptocurrency and alternative finance. WE think that the majority of our customers are located in Europe, Russia, followed by the United States, China, Australia, Canada and Japan.

The exchange platform offers incredible security, and impressive trading speeds. Currently we are investing in the development of new and improved products and services.  This is to enable us to create an ecosystem of electronic money and cryptocurrencies related products and services that will be available to customers in most territories worldwide.

We hope that such activities will enable us to become the world's best and largest cryptocurrency solutions provider and the company of choice for individuals and merchants.

Operational Details

To start working with P2P exchange platform, user needs to registered. After registration, platform creates multi currency e-wallet  for user. Using e-wallet user can transfer funds from one currency to another, put trade orders to exchange, cash out funds from e-wallet and top-up e-wallet.

For setup, platform uses admin service to add/remove new currency and new instruments, settings, Minimum deposit for each currency credit operation.

To provide best rates to users, platform is connected to top crypto and fiat exchanges and banks.

To transfer fiat amount to/from e-wallet main partner bank is needed. Also other partner banks needed to be connected to expand cash in/cash out network. For cash in/cash out also own POS terminal network will be used. Each terminal is special version of Android application.

Technical Details

P2P exchange is a platform, based on micro service architecture, working in cloud. Platform is realised in Go language. All external and internal services are communicating with each other via RESTful API. All external connections are encrypted and all requests are using access keys.

At initial version of Service Gate can accept and serve about 50 request per second.  

For requests,  platform is using OTP  based authorization.

All KYC procedures are based on robots, which are interviewing customers and recording  all activities.

Web, Android and IOS clients are connected with platform via standard API and are giving client ability to receive tickers, place a trade orders, form portfolios and subscribe for news and events.

All 3rd party libraries and databases used on platform realisation are open source projects.

Exchange in numbers

Exchange is operating  worldwide with fiat, e-wallet and crypto currencies. Any number of crypto and fiat currency can be added to exchange.

Initial version of exchange can accept 50 transactions requests and 5000 authorisation requests  per second, will work 24/7.

Top 10 crypto exchanges will be integrated into P2P exchange  

Initial currencies in exchange will be  


For e-wallets - WMZ, WMR, WMU, Skrill, Paypal, eDram, Qiwi

For Crypto - BTC, BCH, LTC, ETH, XRP, IOTA

Following are numbers for income (only RUR currency) and expenses for starting exchange and money transfer business with own cash/in cash/out and with partner banks network

Asset Management

Developing software package for wealth and asset management to realize own and third-party automated trading strategies and investment portfolios in traditional and crypto markets, using technologies such as machine learning, quantitative analytics and AI to improve accuracy and efficacy.

Creating of Asset Management Vehicle to provide asset management services through tokenized funds and smart contracts (tokens issued by our TAO Vehicle will be listed and traded on our P2P exchange and other crypto-exchanges), providing new level of services through fast settlement times with low fees and without geographic restrictions, minimum amounts, or counterparty risk.

Delivering of developed investment solutions to banks, regulated asset managers and institutional investors through white-label and co-branding partnership.

Asset Management

Examples of own trading strategies and investment portfolios we are going to realize in both traditional and crypto markets (Securities, Commodities, FX and Cryptocurrencies):

Structured Portfolios
Structured portfolios allow to invest in the preferable market assets and avoid market risks. They are made up of two parts: Risk-free part - funds are invested in financial instruments with a fixed return (bank CD’s, government or corporate bonds and etc.)
and Income-producing part - funds is invested in higher income-producing, but higher-risk market assets (gold, silver, oil, stocks, indices, crypto-assets etc.).

Option Trading Strategies and Portfolios
Fully automated original trading strategies and portfolios which are using various vanilla option strategies
combined with spot trading. They designed to work with different financial instruments / assets – FX and Cryptocurrency pairs, Stocks, Indexes, Commodities etc.

3D Diversification Balanced Portfolios
The model has aim to construct an efficient frontier of optimal portfolios, offering the maximum possible expected return for a given level of risk. The model benefits from 3 level of diversification – regional, sectoral, instrumental.
The model uses quantitative analysis to ensure reliability and true values, particularly analysing regressions, smoothing, and correlations, statistical testing and distribution, allows to work with correct time series and have unbiased, efficient and consistent results.

Asset Management


Tokenised asset offering (TAO) - Creation of a new class of low-risk tokens based on real economy assets.

The technology is now ready to enter the world full of assets: stocks, bonds, funds, real estate, gold, carbon credits, oil, etc. worth trillions of dollars. Many of these assets are difficult to physically transfer or subdivide, so buyers and sellers instead trade paper that represents some or all of the asset. But paper and complex legal agreements are cumbersome, difficult to transfer and can be hard to track. The solution - switch to a digital system in the form of tokens linked to an asset.

Why tokenise?

24/7 markets

Fractional ownership

Rapid settlement

Reduction in direct costs. Lowers fees.

Increased liquidity and market depth

Automated compliance

Asset interoperability

Expansion of the design space for security contracts

Secure and easy investment in opportunities around the world


Our Tokenized Asset Offering (TAO) vehicle will provide to funds (including funds under management of our AM vehicle), companies, and other entities an end-to-end platform to issue, manage and trade on secondary markets asset-backed tokens.

Token sale & issuance, including KYC/AML procedures and customization of Smart Contract

Tokens lifecycle management through user-friendly dashboard

Secondary trading & liquidity on our P2P Exchange and other marketplaces

Market review


E-wallets are the fastest growing payment type around the world. They’re easy to use and increasingly popular for buying digital goods and video games.

Transactional value and share of payments market in US billions

2012 $295 bn. / 17%

2017 $1,656 bn. / 41%

Cryptocurrencies capitalization

Total Crypto-Market Cap: $337,62 bn.

Coins Total Market Cap: $287 bn

Tokens Total Market Cap: $50,5 bn.

Crypto-Exchanges Volumes

24h Vol. (Top 5 Exchanges): $ 6.2 bn.

24h Vol. (200 Exchanges): $14,2 bn.

Last updated: May 26, 2018 (source


Asset & Wealth Management

Research from PwC predicts that global assets under management (AuM) will rise to around $101.7 trillion by 2020, from a 2012 total of $63.9 trillion. This represents a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of nearly 6%.

Estimated number of crypto funds as of April, 2018 is 251 (from 20 in 2016), with $3.5 - 5 billion in assets under management.

Top view and timeline






Proposed investment models

All companies in VitaNova group already have some investments from owners and are ready for Round A investment. For Round A currently following investment options are available

VitaNova Group (holder of all licenses and is shareholder in all companies in group)

VitaNova FinTech (owner of all financial products in group)

VitaNova IT (owner of all technical products in group)

VitaNova p2p exchange (crypto and fiat money remittance and exchange)

You are welcome to Contact us




8.800.7774PAY (local),




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Digital Rumors LP

Suite 2, 5 St Vincent Street
United Kingdom